Monday, January 22, 2007

Old flame/new flame.

Dear EN,
One of my friends and I, both mostly single, met a couple of cute girls, independently, who happen to be friends. We're both working on these new projects, but my friend is the kind of awkward charmer who can get into a girl's pants in almost any skanky bathroom, while I'm the kind of awkward charmer who sits around and has deep conversation over coffee and can't quite make a move. My friend has had ample opportunity to get the digs from her new "friend" about how my new "friend" might feel, but she's too googoo eyed to be a good wingman. What gives? Do you think she subconciously still wants to sleep with me?
Praying Almost Nightly For Seduction.

Dear Panfs,
Wow, your friend sounds like a deeply troubled individual. Maybe you should give her a break. Or, better yet, a blow job. Maybe an art project focused on a mutual interest (motorcycles? guinea pigs?) could rekindle that most important relationship. Don't forget, Panfs, bros before hos.
The Erotic Neurotic has a special place in his heart for your brand of awkward charm. In fact, deep conversations over coffee, complete with that nagging voice in your head wondering, "What is going on here?" pretty much sum up his modus operandi for dealing with crushes. "Ignore it and it will go away," is his motto.
That said, even the Erotic Neurotic isn't quite that cruel, at least not intentionally. Despite what you may believe. Here's the deal: New friend (should) = less processing. Right? You're one of those queers who makes friends with her crushes/gets crushes on her friends. And that works fine, if you want the trajectory of the crush to stretch into weeks or months. Come on now, Panfs, you have to strike while the iron is hott.
Friends are good for wall-painting, cat-sitting, and cruising, but there's only so much they can do once there's a new spark in the picture. The Erotic Neurotic is here to help, of course, but ultimately you're on your own on this one.

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